Raw Material/ Bean Washing/ Bean Soaking Equipment PRODUCTS
- Product Information
- Raw Material/ Bean Washing/ Bean Soaking Equipment
"Making delicious tofu (soybean curd)" begins with the processes of pretreatment of raw materials, washing, and soaking.
While maintaining the spirit of tofu making, improve the efficiency in time and labor.
Bean Washing Machines
Not only are our new water-air jet type bean washers able to reduce the burden of work and improve the detergency, but also able to shorten the washing time and decrease the amount of general live bacterium. In addition to the water-air type, all the conventional water types of bean washers are also available.
Product Outline | This device is to be used for cleaning the raw soybeans delivered from the origin prior to the soaking process. |
Product Features (I-tech Suzuyo's Original) |
By introducing air into a narrow nozzle, air bubbles are formed in the water serving as a jet pump, which is highly effective in cleaning individual grains of soybean. |
Recommended to | Highly recommended to customers who pursue high cleaning performance in a short time, and customers who seek water saving effect via short time cleaning. |
Grinding Devices
This is a grinding device to be used for the grinding process, which is able to draw out the original sweetness of soybeans as well as to remove soybeans' embryo buts and hypocotyls.
Via this device, it is possible to produce such soybean milk and tofu, containing the original sweetness of soybeans without astringency in the taste.
Product Outline | This device is able to grind raw soybeans into approximately 4 to 8 pieces when the soybeans are in a dry state. |
Product Features (I-tech Suzuyo's Original) |
Despite the fact that no large space is required for its installation, it equips a special mechanism, able to separate soybeans' embryo buts and husks. |
Ordinary Soaking Equipment
Product Outline | This equipment is used for soaking soybeans into the water. Via soaking, the cooking process can be performed smoothly and consistently later on. |
Product Features (I-tech Suzuyo's Original) |
Instead of adopting automatic valves where undesirable microorganisms tent to gather, I-tech Suzuyo's equipment employs a series of manual sanitary clamp operations in order to induce workers to conduct visual check. |
Equipment for Limited Water Absorption Soaking Production Method
Able to make it so the soaking process requires only the amount of water necessary for soybeans to absorb, which can produce exceptional soybean milk and tofu, containing outstanding natural sweetness.
Product Outline | This production method is suitable for producing high added value products, for which the 100% of the original soybean taste can be extracted. |
Recommended to | Highly recommended to such customers in pursuit of producing such a type of soybean milk with an impact of high concentration and low viscosity. |
Equipment for Non-Soaking Production Method
The soaking process is no longer necessary, farewell to speculative production. With this method, it is possible to shorten the production time and reduce the loss of raw material and water, which is a complete game changer, able to make a difference in soybean milk production.
Product Outline | Instead of implementing the conventional soaking process, which normally requires one night to soak soybeans on the day before the cooking process, this system, as an auxiliary device to the previous process of soybean milk production, aims to gain the same result as the continuous soaking process. |
Recommended to | Highly recommended to customers who suffer from the fluctuation of daily production results and the load of waste water caused by the soaking process. |