Equipment for Sterilization, Secondary Packaging, and Stockyard PRODUCTS
- Product Information
- Equipment for Sterilization, Secondary Packaging, and Stockyard
For sterilization equipment, I-tech Suzuyo is able to flexibly provide a wide range of sterilization devices corresponding to various sterilizing requirements and preexisting machinery.
Regarding the equipment for secondary packaging, and stockyard, we are also able to provide the best suggestions based on more than a half century of experience and achievement in providing secondary packaging and automated boxing lines from our Natto (Japanese fermented soybeans) business.
Continuous Type Hot Water Sterilizing Tanks
(Bucket type boiling and cooling tanks)
Not only is the operating life of the chains of I-tech Suzuyo's sterilizing tanks much more durable than other companies' products, but also they require much less maintenance.
As the shape of the corners of the water tank is made less angled, it is much easier to clean.
Product Outline | After performing sterilization on tofu via hot water treatment with a temperature of 80-90 degree Celsius, cold water is then used to rapidly cool it down to improve the product shelf life. |
Product Features (I-tech Suzuyo's Original) |
Due to altering the position of the driving motor and placing it to the center position, the chains become much more durable. |
Special Functions | Comparing to the conventional type, I-tech Suzuyo's sterilizing machines are double-headed type with showering function implemented, which possesses double entrances located on both ends of the machines and are able to be used separately for both boiling and cooling individually. |
Recommended to | As the sterilized products can be dealt in an aligned manner, this machine is highly recommended to such customers considering having their stockyard equipment automated. |
Stacking Type Secondary Packaging Machines
I-tech Suzuyo's secondary packaging machines are able to stack up finished tofu products in a perfect manner with precision following the set layer number, and perform belt wrapping.
These machines provide great work efficiency as the finished products are always neatly aligned. Along with the common type tofu, they are also ideal for banding three packs of packaged lactone silken tofu into one set.
Product Outline | This is an auxiliary device which is able to automatically stack up products coming out in one line into three layers. This is a secondary packaging machine which utilizes belt type film to band the products according to the desired number of layers. |
Product Features (I-tech Suzuyo's Original) |
From 15 packs/min, 40 packs/min, up to 150 packs/min, I-tech Suzuyo possesses many different types of secondary packaging machine lines able to process a wide range of continuous stacking and wrapping. |
Packing Device for Plastic Containers
I-tech Suzuyo's plastic container packing devices possess an excellent packing technique able to align products with almost no gaps between the products and containers, which can prevent load shifting occurring inside of containers.
Product Outline | I-tech Suzuyo's plastic container packing devices are able to place finished products into plastic containers according to the desired number of layers as well as alignment, which is one of the most commonly practiced methods for product distribution in Japan. |
Product Features (I-tech Suzuyo's Original) |
Despite such a difficult condition as only limited amount of space with tiny gaps, I-tech Suzuyo's packing devices are able to not only pack products via overlapping the edges of the packs but also provide a maneuver inclining their heads to maximumly perform the tasks. |
Special Functions | Special models able to handle products from 150g up to 3000g, and multiple types of plastic containers. |
Packing Device for Cardboard Boxes
I-tech Suzuyo's cardboard box packing devices are able to provide great suction to both heavy single pack tofu products and banding types of tofu products.
Product Outline | I-tech Suzuyo's cardboard box packing devices are able to place finished products into cardboard boxes according to the desired number of layers as well as alignment, which is one of the most commonly practiced methods for product distribution in Japan. |
Product Features (I-tech Suzuyo's Original) |
Whether it is single pack type packaging or bundle type packaging, I-tech Suzuyo's cardboard box packing devices possess a strong suction head able to firmly lift all types of packed soybean products. |
Recommended to | Highly recommended to such customers who have trouble to secure workers for stockyard operation. |